I really don't listen to the radio or music in English but these lyrics stick out to me, been through a lot lately and sometimes I wish that it was easier to have wishes come true. I know that life will always have its ups and downs but sometimes it feels like we are stuck in the downs......:
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
-B.O.B.~ Airplanes-
The past two days I feel like I am getting depressed no matter how hard I try to avoid it. I even told hubby that I miss being pregnant, and it is true, though it was for a short time I was the happiest when I was pregnant. We looked at cribs, bedding, clothes, had TONS of hopes and dreams.
Forever I will have those words pounded into my memory:
"I could't find a heartbeat" -ultrasound tech 17JUN10-
Now all we can do is pray out to our (now three) Heavenly Angel Babies and tell them how much we love them, how much we miss them, how much we wish we could celebrate their arrival, birthdays and holidays.
It is hard for me to see pregnant woman, hear about a baby shower, celebrating 1st birthday's, 1st everything's, etc. I know with time it will get easier (never 100%) for us to celebrate these occasions, as for now its too heartbreaking to see others do what we were dreaming of doing just a week ago.
I know that it probably isn't the smartest thing to do, but, I sometimes just gather a list of songs that feel like they were written for me in this time of hurt, pain, and suffering. Its a good therapy for me other than holding it all in and letting this weight get heavier for me to handle, I even sing a long and when the song is over I feel a little better.
I think at least once a week I will use a song to help me write down my feelings so that in the future I can look back and remember the hardships I was in and how I overcame them or made them better.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wishing...wishes come true...
Posted by ttc4toolong at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: airplanes, God, hardships, heartbeat, heartbreaking news, Heaven, Miscarriage, nursery, pregnant woman, ultrasound, wishes
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Here I am its 2:12AM and I am still up, I am not even a little tried. All through out my pregnancy I was so tired that by 8PM I was ready for bed and by 10PM I was in bed, now its a different story I am 'back' to my usual sleeping routine and it is very depressing at times. Though it has only happened twice already since my D&C, I still can't help but think back to when I was pregnant and how things were so different then. I haven't prayed much in the last 3-4 nights though I am taking my prenatal vitamins again (only for the last 3 nights), so I am not sure if it has something to do with the fact that I still think I will wake up from this nightmare and still be pregnant.
Posted by ttc4toolong at 2:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: Father David, God, miracle, Miscarriage, pregnancy loss, the love of my life
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tired of disappointments...
I would have never thought in my 24yrs of life that I would be where I am now. I have never pictured myself struggling to get pregnant and suffering from now three miscarriages. There are so many people in my life right now that do not want to have children or abort their pregnancies and its WAY easier for them to get pregnant. But here I am going month after month hoping and praying. And after our prayer is answered we suffer by losing our baby.
Later today we have a meeting with Father David that he set up for us. He called me on Saturday to see how I was doing and apologized because he couldn't get back to me before my d&c, after I told him that its a hard time for us right now, we are losing Faith, and I am going back into the darkness he told me he wanted to meet with Manny and me. I agreed because I really need some guidance right now, I do not want to go into the darkness again. Something that took me 4yrs to get out of. I know God has a plan for us and He will bless us with a healthy baby soon.
As soon as we talk with Father David I will be reflecting off of what he will tell us. I may even go to confession and confess my anger that I have had towards God, I know He does things because he has a plan for us and I need to accept that, which I am beginning to do.
All day Monday while Manny was working I was alone and I am proud to say that I did not have a break down. I kept myself busy watching videos on YouTube and checking in on FaceBook, I am surprised that it worked for me. With my past miscarriages I grew depressed right away and never left my bed, this is a HUGE step for me. I know that this shows strength and that God is next to me holding my hand.
I give THANKS to God that I have Manny by my side. He is the greatest husband and father to our Heavenly Angels!
Life will knock you down. You can choose whether to get back up.
-Karate Kid-
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Posted by ttc4toolong at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
On my mind........6/19/2010
My cuts will heal, my bruises will fade but this emptiness in my heart/womb will never be healed. For the day we give birth to our first living child...it will NEVER replace the three Angels we have lost. We are proud parents of three Heavenly Angels unfortunately God had other plans for them rather than for them to be here on Earth with us.
Posted by ttc4toolong at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Will we ever catch a break!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!
Seriously I am fed up with all of the challenges we have been put through! I feel like we are getting punished for something, and we have NO clue what for! Seriously! Why did it have to go this far!!! We have been through two miscarriages back to back in 2005 and after 5YRS of not being able to conceive when we do...we have a miscarriage!
This is getting old! I am mentally and physically tired of going through this over and over! With this pregnancy I ASK my OB to check my progesterone levels because I am always having a miscarriage at 8 weeks or a little before! And that OB told me that has nothing to do with my pregnancy! Seriously! Why won't they listen to me? The doctor actually laughed in my face so I switched to a different office..a little too late without us knowing our baby stopped growing at 8w1d. I have so many questions and no answers. When we have our follow up with our specialist I am going to ask him all the questions I have and pray he has answers! We are going to continue trying to conceive after we are given the green light to do so. As soon as we get pregnant we are requesting to go to the best specialist in our area. Maybe then someone will actually listen to us!
Life will knock you down. You can choose whether to get back up.
Posted by ttc4toolong at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 18, 2010
Too good to be true written 6/17/2010
May 5,2010 was the happiest day of our lives this year. We found out we were pregnant after 5 LONG years of trying! Out of the blue God answered our prayers. Today I would have been 11 weeks 2days pregnant. Little did we know that at 8 weeks and 1 day we lost our baby. Today we had an ultrasound all we seen was an 8w old baby, no heartbeat. I should have known this pregnancy was too good to be true! After all the praying, all the Faith, and giving thanks it still wasn't enough to keep our baby growing inside. I am slipping into the darkness very fast. Something that took me 4yrs to get out of is sucking me back in. I want to keep faith and know that everything will be alright but I know its not. For tomorrow I have a scheduled surgery to help my body get back to 'normal'. After 5yrs I actually thought it was our turn. That things were working in our favor. Little did we know what was to come. We don't know why this keeps happening and we pray for answers. You know when I was younger my dream was to find the perfect partner, get married and start a family. I did not know nor plan for being here in 2010 having had 3 miscarriages already. Some people have told me not to get excited, don't tell anyone, don't get attached because you will only 'jinx' yourself. Do we not deserve to be happy while we are pregnant? Is it a sin to have a want and need for a child? What have we done to deserve this? I guess we will never know the truth. All we can do is mourn for our loss. It isn't fair! There are many that take pregnancies, children for granted. That isn't us! We have longed for our perfect family, instead we sit here and wonder why. Tuesday hubby took me to see Karate Kid and there was one line that stuck out to me: "life will knock you down, you just have to choose to get back up or not" I do not know where we go from here. If we continue or just walk away. All I know if that this is an extremely hard time for us right now. And we thank those that TRULY have been there for us. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. Until next time...
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Posted by ttc4toolong at 8:43 AM 3 comments
About Me

- ttc4toolong
- I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (http://www.youtube.com/LYDISANC21).