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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prenatal vitamins

What prenatal vitamins do you take?

Today I was at Wal-Mart (once, I went to the vitamin section in the Pharmacy and grabbed a box of them.

I was hesitant at first:
1. Being that they are SO expensive!
2. Wal-Mart doesn't have a good section for them, they have a cheap version that I don't trust w/o someone's review on them and there was one that I would never consider buying at all. Its in a powder for...ummm no thank you!
3. Their customer service in all of their Pharmacies SUCK!!! (My opinion).

Guess how much they cost?
Just take a wild guess....
Well they were $15...that isn't the beginning, they are only 60 pills.

Okay I though One A Day wasn't that expensive (in the past...years ago).

I am not sure if I am going to like them...well I better for that price, I mean come on now that is $0.25 a pill which means its $0.50 a day. The reason why its 50 and not 25 is because its 2 different pills a day. The box came with 30 Prenatal Multivitamins and 30 DHA/EPA. I will post a picture of the pills and box later on in the day. Along with a link to my 1 day review of it.

Please...I ask you PLEASE let me know which Prenatal Vitamins you take, and where can I get them (where did you buy them), if they are prescribed or over the counter, price range, and if you like them. I would greatly appreciate it with all my heart.

Thank you for following me on my journey to TTC I pray we all get our positives faster than we can blink.


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Monday, December 28, 2009

In Loving Memory of Arturo Sanchez Elias 29DEC86 - 08FEB09

As the time passes, one expects the pain to subside. Not in our case. Arturo was only 22yrs old when he passed. He was full of life and very outgoing! When I was going through some tuff times, he always was there to offer his support. I have no brothers but when I married my husband his brothers became brothers to me.

Words to my brother in law:

Poncho, we miss you to death, and not a day goes by that we don't feel the pain in our hearts of loosing you. Its hard for us at times when we remember the crazy times we all had. The laughs, cries, goodbyes, conversations, and events we shared with you will never be forgotten. As my promise to you my first son will be named after you. And when our family continues to grow we will never leave out the memory of you.

Con Todo El Amor,
Your favorite Cunada Lydia

We love you and never forget you.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

A long awaited update. CD23 - 5DPO

Okay I know I said I was going to update frequently since I now have a Blackberry but, Christmas has kept me busy.  Last Saturday (December 19th), we had a Christmas play at church and I was busy with that.  Also at the last minute I was doing Christmas shopping for my family, which I will never be a last minute shopper again (I say that every  Oh, and to top it off I finished all 4 placement exams for school which I stretched out over 3 days to complete them.  I have yet to register for some Math classes and an English Composition class.  I know I am waiting for the last minute for everything but with me taking 2 weeks away from everything and being sick for a whole month, the time had slipped away from me and now I am slowly and surely getting on track.   

So lets get back on track, I am in the 2ww as of right now.  This cycle so far I have not done an OPK nor my BBTs, it was time to stay away from them and see if I can do it on my own.  So wish my luck!!!  I was taking my Iron pills for most of my cycle but it has been 3 days since I have taken them, I have been forgetting to (as of right now I am taking them...oh and Folic Acid as well).

 I do have an important question though, what prenatal vitamins are you taking or have taken in the past that you really liked?  I have been doing some research but I need some suggestions as well.  I don't want to go to Wal-Mart or Target and get just any one, when I had my first miscarriage I was prescribed Cal-Nate and they where the best I have ever taken!  I went to Walgreens to get a pricing on them so I can ask my doctor for those again but they said that they are no longer made  :-(  which i am very upset about!  I tried over the counter ones in the past and they weren't as good as Cal-Nate was.

So on to the 'fun' stuff (I guess you can say) the symptoms I have so far this cycle and during the 2ww:

-Dizzy Spells (most of the cycle)
-Exhaustion (the first 20 days of my cycle)
-Sleep Deprivation (the last 2 days -2ww-)
-Breast Tenderness (the first 18 days and the last 3 days -2ww-)
-Anxiousness (the last 2 days -2ww)
-Gassy (CD3-7 and 2DPO-5DPO)
-Migraine (CD2 and 2DPO)
-Cramps (off and on threw out this cycle)

So far these are the symptoms that I am having.  (Since I have not been charting this cycle I just jot it down on my calendar).

I am praying very hard that this is our cycle, it has been a long 4yrs (50 months) of TTCing.  I am so ready to graduate to the Expecting crowd!  Which brings me to this:  CONGRATULATIONS CARLA THE BUBBLELUSH FOR YOUR BFP!!!  I have faith that 2010 will be the year I conceive!  When ever I feel like I am not going to get pregnant I say to my self,  "YOU WILL GET PREGNANT! 2010 WILL BE YOUR YEAR!!!"  I hope that will help me get to the next level, hey every little bit counts!

I think that is it for now, I just wanted to make this very quick  and simple.  I will be doing a TTC Vlog tomorrow sometime in the afternoon so be on the look out for that.  I will try my hardest to post 2 other blogs later in the week that I have on my mind as well about my goals.  Any questions at all please ask.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Been M.I.A.

I have been away for a little time, spending time with my family as well as enjoying my Godson that was born on December 1, 2009 @ 7:05PM weighing 3k 200g.  He is so precious and has some of my husbands feature i.e.: nose, eyes, forehead, and mouth.

Anyways, now that I am back, I figured I would do an update.  This time around I will be updating more frequently.  Now that I have a Blackberry it will be easier for me to update on a weekly basis.

As of today I am on CD10, and been feeling like I am catching a cold.  I have been exhausted, feeling dizzy, and very thirsty.  I am continuing to take FertilAid and FertilCM, as well as taking 2 iron pills (for the dizziness), and one Folic Acid.  I am debating on getting more OPK's for this cycle I think I will just go with the flow.  But then again I might just change my mind.

As for now I am going to end this post, and update more later on this week.  Take care and BABY DUST!

Friday, November 6, 2009

So a new cycle began...

CD2:  I know what you are thinking...'why are you excited for AF?!?!'  And the reason is, I am not excited to get her every month but when I know that I am not pregnant than I don't want another month to pass by without success.  So if AF doesn't show for long periods of time then all that is happening is an unproductive month.  It may not make sense to you but to me, I have been TTC for going on 50 months (that is 4yrs 2 months)!  That is a lot of months, some of those months were unproductive months.  So now that my cycles are regular I know when to expect AF, when to test, when I should ovulate so it makes it that much easier to TTC and hopefully the end result will be a pregnancy.

So this is just a little random blog for today, I will be doing another one later today be on the look out for it.  :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Now on CD1

It is weird how I was hoping she would hurry up and show her ugly face...but it is NOT what you think...believe me!

I wanted AF to show because I took a pregnancy test on Monday the 2nd and Tuesday the 3rd both were negative. AF was VERY late! NOT normal for me. My cycles have been no longer than 31 days. I just wanted her to show up so that we can continue to TTC and so that my cycles don't become irregular. So now that she is here I have so much that I am going to do, to help my chances a lot more.

For starters, we are continuing to take FertilAid for Men and Women, I am also going to be taking FertilCM (Thanks to [check her out!] I won a month supply). I will also be taking my Iron Pills and Folic Acid, I am considering going out and getting some vitamins but I need some advice as what to take. I haven't taken Prenatal Vitamins in a while so I am going ask my doctor to prescibe me the same vitamins that helped me conceive my second pregnancy. Those are Cal-Nate Prenatal Vitamins. They are the best that I have ever taken! I wish I still had the information on them so that I could share with you what it has. All I can say is that (my oppinion), they would help me with being lactose by saying that when I did take these pills I could drink milk and not get the side effects. Also they smell kind of milky and are delicious. So enough with that, I will continue to take my BBTs on a daily bases and check my CM.

So far this is what I have planned for this cycle. Oh, wait...I will also continue to meditate through out my cycle as well as doing some yoga. When the 2WW comes I will have a complete game plan...stay tuned.

If you have any questions at all please ask.


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Enter: greatdeal

Monday, November 2, 2009

Today I took a test...

Okay so this morning at 3AM I woke up to really bad acid reflux it took about an hour to get it under control. I brushed my teeth numerous times, chewed lots of gum, ate a banana, tried chocolate, and even tried drinking milk (which at first spit out because I felt like throwing it up). Nothing seemed to work. I knew yesterday that when I was a Wal-Mart I should of bought candy canes...they have helped me in the past to ease the acid reflux. So about 4AM it finally went away and I went back to sleep. When I woke up I felt 100% better! I told my husband to take me to the Dollar Store to pick up some Pregnancy Tests, seeing that I am way past AF and no signs of her coming anytime soon. He didn't take me and his excuse was its 8AM and they are not open until around 9Am or later. So we just relaxed and listened to some music and before I knew it, it was 10:20AM (where did the time go?!?!?) He had to get ready for work and there wasn't enough time to take me to the store and come back in time for him to go to work. I was bummed so I just went to the living room and turned on the T.V. He got ready for work, said goodbye and left.

At 11:25AM I decided to take the last that I had left, even though it wasn't my first morning urine. I took it and about 11:30AM I went back to see the results and there it was...a BFN! I am so disappointed! I decided that later today I am going to go to the store and pick up EPT tests and maybe some Clear Blue Easy Tests and try again tomorrow. Please pray for me! I am worried that if it is negative my body is LATE for AF and I hope it doesn't effect our chances in the future. In the past since my miscarriages, I did not get AF in November so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. But it shouldn't because last year was the first time since my miscarriages that I did get AF in November. So I do not know what is going on! Since February of this year my cycles have been normal and I ovulate every month, see this is why I am concerned about what my body is doing. Please Keep Me In Your Prayers. I will update again tomorrow...wish me luck!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


So today I am on CD33 - 17DPO ... I know what you are thinking... TEST ALREADY!!! Believe me I WANT TOO!!! But I am terrified that the results are not going to be in my favor. I am NOT getting my hopes up...but believe me it is VERY HARD!!! I have been keeping myself busy doing a scrapbook, working on a blanket, spending time with my family, and small projects here and there. I am getting impatient though...every little twitch or cramp I think AF is around the corner. So far she has stayed away this long. I was expecting AF on 10/26 the latest 10/27, today is now 10/29 and nothing...I hope that she stays away and we get that positive. Here is my chart so far:

sept09 thru oct09

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

To clarify the last post

When I wrote this post back in 2007, we haven't yet named our babies. We were confused and didn't know if we should of gave them the names that we picked our when were we pregnant, or find unisex names because we did not know the sex of the babies.

As of today we have named our babies and gave them unisex names, names that mean so much to us and tie into our religion. Here they are:

Guadalupe Galindo-Sanchez (May 24, 2005)
Jesus Galindo-Sanchez (September 21, 2005)

Our babies carry both my maiden last name and my husband's last name. I have a tattoo that is in memory of my babies, and so does my husband.

I just wanted to clarify the last post if anyone was confused about our baby's name.


***This is an older post that I posted on my Myspace blog on January 16, 2007***

For most of you already know that I had two miscarriages in 2005, well today would of been BABY SANCHEZ 1's first birthday. I can't begin tell you how I feel inside, mostly mied emmotions. One of which is hatred to myself because I lost my ANGEL before I could hold him(her) the first day I heard my ANGEL's heart beat was on May 24, 2005 when I went to the ER because I was having slight cramps. The Nurse did a internal ultrasound to make sure my ANGEL's heart rate was good, I was in the room with my husband it is a day we will never forget, even though our ANGEL wasn't born yet we felt like we were proud parent. Once the nurse left the room the Dr came in to tell us the results, he said that our ANGEL's heart beat was 124 per minute and normally at this point in the pregnancy he would like it to be at 140-180 beats per minute, the worst part is that the asshole lied and said everything was good and our ANGEL will be ok. I went home with Manny and we stayed in bed all day just comming up with baby names and saying our I CAN'T WAIT's.... but who would know that would be the last time we got to hear our ANGEL. On June 14, 2005 we had an appointment to see our mid-wife Karen Barr, I told her what happened previously and she said she would order a new ultrasound to check on our ANGEL. (June 16) The day came and Manny and I went to the ultrasound appointment, once inside they did an internal ultrasound which seemed like it went fast. I got dressed and the nurse said that she would give the results to the Dr and to wait in the waiting room.....we waited almost an hour, the whole time I knewsomething was wrong but I prayed to GOD (who betrayed me!) that everything would be ok, before the nurse came out and said that I needed to see my mid-wife because she needs to go over the results, I told the nurse I want to know what were the results and she said all I could tell you is that there wasn't a fetus in the womb. I started to cry my eyes out my husband just held me and told me that we need to see the mid wife and ask what happened so we went upstairs to her office......I called my mom and my Tia Vero my mom was picking up my dad from work and my Tia came to the hospital while we were waiting. Our mid wife came out and called us we went to a room where we sat there and talked she said that I miscarried and that I needed to get a D&C done to clean the womb out or my body could accept it and it could make me ill. I made the appointment for the next day. When I got home I cryed my mom and dad was there waiting, I cried myself to sleep. Later that night my mom called me to check up. She noticed I was crying and came over with my Tia Rosa My Lela My cousin Selena and seen that I was reading the book Pegnancy Bible. I told my mom that the hospital made a mistake maybe they didn't look hard enough for the baby and I did not want to go through the D&C the net day my mom kept telling my that I need to just let it all out vent tell them what was on my mind so that they could comfort me. After a while I went to my room and fell asleep. On June 17, 2005 I went to the hospital and checked in, Dr Carpio, a OB-Gene came in and told me the what he was going to do. Then a nurse came in and asked my husband and I if we were going to want to keep the tissue and have a burial or just have the hospital dipose of it, i began to cry my family left the room and my mom and Manny stayed my mom said just have the hospital dipose of the tissue. That a furneral would cost thousands, after a long time I told the nurse to dispose of the tissue (which I hate! myself for it!). After my D&C I was released home, as soon as I walked out of that hospital I felt like my life was taken away and I was to blame. The follow up came in July 23, 2005 I went to see Dr Carpio, he told me that I miscarried on May 24 (the day I went to the ER) or on May 25th. He said that our ANGEL fell out of its sack, I told the Dr that I did not bleed at all! And he said that he doesn't understand why. After that I went home I started to think that it happened when they did the ultrasound on May 24, 2005 and maybe they punched the sack and therfore our ANGEL passed. I can't believe that its going to be 2 yrs since my first and second miscarriage. And that today we would be celebrating our ANGEL's 1st Birthday. I hate myself for waht happened and one day I wish I could get an explaination why this happened. I know my ANGEL is in a better place but I want so much to turn back time and change what happened, but I can't unstead I stay here on the earth and wounder why?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Product Review

Product Review for Fair Haven Health:

Bend, Breathe, and conceive DVD:

So far I have watched the DVD twice and taken some notes. I am going to go out sometime this week coming up to get my yoga mat and start doing it. Even though I have not started doing the yoga I will still give a review on the information that is given.

-I LOVE the fact that while the speaker is explaining different parts of the brain that affects a certain part of the body she includes a picture of what she is taking about. To me this is a great way to keep the view in-tuned and not lost about what she is talking about.

-I LOVE that she speaks clearly and at an understandable pace. I have watched a different DVD in the past from a different company and got lost within the first 10 minutes and lost interest.

-No matter you level of yoga this is a good way to start heading down the path or relaxation and maximizing your fertility.

My review on FertilAid for Woman:

I honestly can say that I feel like I have more energy, which is weird because since the weather has been changing and getting colder I rather stay home than go out. NOW (since taking the pills) I want to always be doing something, I don’t want to be in one place too long. I actually see that I am more cheerful and smile more! Its weird but I actually feel more girly girly, more feminine, more want to get all dolled up for my husband. So far this is day three of the pills and we have been loyal. I wanted to point out that these pills have no after taste to them and are not hard to swallow for me. I have taking ProCreation in the past and those did have a weird after taste to them and I did not like the fact that those pills changed the color of my urine (I know TMI). But NOT FertilAid! They are the best so far! I recommend them to anyone that is TTC and want to better theor chances.

My husbands review:

Right away he said that he liked that they are easier to swallow and don’t stick to the back of your throat like other pills have in the past. “Make sure that you eat something before you take them, its easier that way and keep your bottle away from your wife’s because the pills are the same color,” says my husband.

Once we have a few more days taking them we will do another video together. Check out the one that I did:



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Enter: greatdeal

As for now that is all. Any questions please ask!

Update time!

CD28 - 12DPO

I know it has been a while since I have last posted an update. I have been so busy trying to keep my mind off of TTC and stressing about not getting pregnant. I have been spending a lot of time with my family…weird huh??? I has been a while since I have done that and I am going as far as to going to go visit my other grandma (Grandma Galindo-my daddy’s mom) tomorrow, but we will see how that goes…

Okay back to my update I am going to recap my cycle so far:

-CD4 - I received my prize from Mandashow20, I won a drawing for some OPK’s that she had left over. THANK YOU AMANDA!!!!
-CD8 - I started doing OPK’s, and there actually was a result line…very faint though. Weird because the line doesn’t show up until CD15.
-CD14-CD21 - I had a cold and my temps on 2 days were slightly higher because of it. I took some over the counter cold medicine.
-CD16 - I ovulated, now this is weird because since I have been tracking my cycles I would ovulate on CD17. We will see what is to come.
-5DPO - I had slight cramping on my left side, so I pretty much relaxed all day long. I didn’t leave my bed most of the day.
-6DPO - I had slight spotting, it only happened once that day somewhere between 10A-12P. No spotting since.

& the exciting part…
I received the products that I am going to be doing reviews on from Fairhaven health! It was like Christmas all over again!!! I will be doing reviews on Bend, Breathe, and Conceive Fertility Yoga DVD also FertilAid for Woman and my husband will do a review on FertilAid for Men. We are ecstatic that we were given the opportunity to try these products out and better our chances to conceive. THANK YOU MISS AMY!!!

Okay so far this is a recap of my cycle. Feel free to ask any questions! About either the products, my cycle, my TTC journey, or anything random. Also, watch my most recent vlog on YouTube:

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's been a couple of days....

I believe the last time that I made a vlog update, I was either waiting to Ovulate or just beginning my 2ww. So far since the last time that I have updated there hasn't been much of a change? (well in my

Okay so lets start out by going over some symptoms that I am having so far during this 2ww:

-lack of hunger
-sleep deprivation
-WEIRD dreams
-mood swings
-increased sex drive (tmi)
-cravings (but indecisive for what I am craving)
-constipation (slowly going away)
-a little cramping (not alarming just uncomfortable)

I am trying not to get my hopes up, in fear that my body will let me down yet again. I know that with prayer and belief that some day (hopefully) soon I will get to announce a pregnancy. It is something we have been longing for...for 4yrs. With every negative test, failed pregnancy attempt, wasted cycle, and fertility let downs....I feel deep down inside that a piece of me is dying . It gets harder and harder to keep my head up and 'keep a smile' on my face. But everyday I try my best.

On September 21, 2005 I had my second 'unexplained' miscarriage, some say that with time the emptiness will heal. I don't agree in my case, time doesn't take away the me time just reminds me that I could of had a 3yr old and hopefully would of been pregnant with a second child. I just pray everyday that my chances of conceiving still exists.

Well, for now I will end this and do another update in the next few days.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just a quick update...

As of today I am 3dpo and I have tried on numerous occasions to upload a vlog...all errors after taking 1hr+ to upload. It gets frustrating, but I am determined to get one posted. I have MANY things that I have planned for many videos but not one video would upload. What I am going to try instead is get ALL my videos recorded by Wednesday next week and go to Panera Bread or Starbucks and get them all uploaded...FINGERS CROSSED that it works.

Anyways, back to my cycle. So far so good...not too event full. Although today I almost fell and instead I did a half slit. It scared the crap put of me and ever since my left side of my pubic area feels sore...I may have just strained it or pulled a muscle. I HOPE that it doesn't ruin our chances this month. Also, this cycle (just like the past cycles) I ovulated on CD17! YAY! Two days prior, the day of and 1 day past I had egg white cervical mucus. So that is a plus. We are using PreSeed with this cycle which brings me to my next point: I am going to do a review and Q&A on PreSeed so if you have anything you want me to go over...please feel free to ask.

As of today I am still waiting for the products from to start my product the mean time check them out and if you see anything you like use coupon code: Autumnblog to get 10% off (Exp 11/1/2009).

As of now I am going to cut this a little short...bummer [insert sad face here]...we are getting ready to head to bed. My husband works all day tomorrow and needs his rest. Be on the look out for some vlogs in the mean time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Excited for this opportunity!!!!

If you read the title and wondering what's going on here is your chance to find out! I was approached by a representative from to do some product reviews, I am extremely excited to be given this opportunity! FINALLY!!! I might get pregnant after 4yrs of TTC and two miscarriages. I am hoping that I will be able to get that BFP within 1-2 cycles. The products that I (or I should say we, my husband and I) will be doing reviews on are: FERTILAID FOR MEN AND WOMAN also BEND, BREATHE, & CONCEIVE - FERTILITY YOGA. So be on the look out for those reviews, I will also be vlogging about it on my Youtube Channel so feel free to subscribe. {At the end of this post you will find the links to my YT Channel, Twitter, and Facebook accounts...add me as a friend and you will get all the scoop!}

I am going to be doing many different things with my blog and be on the look out for that. I have been thinking off different ways to get my viewers/followers more interactive and more educated about their Fertility and ways to maximize their chances to get pregnant.

Okay, I know this post is all over the place but I have TONS to go over. First, I wanted to ask anyone out there if they have any questions that they wanted to ask me and I will be making a video to answer them all. I am in the process right now of getting my second Q&A video recorded and posted. So feel free to watch them and if you have any questions at all that come to mind either post a comment on my video, post a comment here, go to my facebook and post it on my wall, where ever you feel more comfortable to send me you questions please do so. Second, I will be doing a review on a book that I read and some vitamins that I am taking. Of there is any book that you would like me to review just let me know in a message and I will do my best to get it done ASAP. I am always looking for new books and products to do reviews on. Third, I have done this in the past on my YT channel and will start doing it again...I will be giving TIPS that I find in books, magazines, and articles.

Before I end this post, I wanted to let all of you in a GREAT deal from Go to the website...and take a look around they offer items for TTC and Breastfeeding. If you find anything you want use this coupon code: Autumnblog get 10% off of your order! How GREAT is that?!?! Well, I am going on the lookout for my latest vlog on YT (I will be posting soon.)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

CD 1 - 3 ~ 8/29/2009 - 8/31/2009

Date Saturday August 29, 2009 - CD1
11:35AM- Today I am 3 ½ days late for AF. I am extremely excited because this could mean that I am pregnant! YAY! After 4yrs of trying for a baby this could be it. But at the same time I am trying not to get my hopes up, only time will tell what will happen.
2:23PM- Took an Early Pregnancy Test and Walgreens Early Response Test and both of which were negative. I still have a little bit of hope, because my pregnancy test for my first pregnancy test came up negative until AF was 2-3 weeks late. On another note I am having dull cramps which gets me thinking it could be implantation or something like that…who knows.
4:30PM- And let the disappointments begin! AF just started….WTHell! I honestly thought ‘this is it’ I am FINALLY going to be pregnant. Well…rain on my parade! Those cramps resulted in AF and I am NOT happy. Words cannot describe what I am feeling nor what disappointments my body has given me yet again. I am so ready to give up! I don’t know how much more of this I can take. But for now I guess you can say that I will continue to TTC. I am praying with all of my heart that this time will be it. I don’t know how much more I can take of this and I am starting to think that I am not meant to have any children on this earth. Only time will tell what the future will hold for us. And we just pray that it will be in our favor. On a quick note: AF is a little light and every once in a while has a mucus consistency to it.

Date Sunday August 30, 2009 - CD2
1:16PM- Last night was not a good night. I was up numerous times through the night with cramps. It was so hard to get comfortable and able to sleep. When the alarm went off this morning for Manny I woke up, still sleepy of course, but managed to give him a kiss and sign of the cross for him. A little after he left I was in and out of sleep. Then finally out of bed around 11:30am. I am still having cramps around the left side of my uterus, and I am very uncomfortable. I am not going to take anything for the pain, it is better for me to just wait for the pain to end by itself. I am praying that this cycle is 30 days and not 35 days like last cycle. I took 2-ProCreation pills so far today, I am going to take the rest of my pills later today and log them.

Date Monday August 1, 2009 - CD3
9:39AM- Today was the same as last night…ugh. I don’t know why the cramps would bother me while I am sleeping, and usually I only get cramps the first two days and only in the day time. My body is doing weird this this time around, I guess I am just going to have to pay more attention to my body this cycle (if that could ever happen…lol). 10:48PM- When is this TTC going to end? Come on now…4yrs…what did I do to deserve this??? Well anyways just wanted to log in that today felt like a lazy day, I didn’t have the ‘strength’ to do anything. On the plus side my apartment was clean so I could just relax today. Oh, and I can’t for get to mention that I had cramps through out the day…I am tired of AF!!!! I guess I will just leave it at that…One last thing AF if you are listening, ’I HATE YOU!’ …okay goodbye now.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

July 25th - Aug 25th cycle

Date Thursday July 23, 2009 - 12DPO
Today I had slight spotting in the afternoon, then it went away. The spotting was more of an egg white CM with a brown tint to it, nothing alarming at all. Slight cramps to day along with a headache but that headache was caused be stress. Felt like I needed to take a nap halfway through the day. Today was very uneventful.

Date Friday July 24, 2009 - 13DPO
We Baby Danced today in the very early morning at around 1AM. Today the cramps were still there a little more than yesterday, I suspect that AF will be coming very soon. UPDATE: Well more spotting today at around 3PM, so AF is officially going to show her ugly face. Sux, but this last cycle we really didn’t do much TTCing at all. This new cycle we are going to work overtime! I was very emotional at around 11PM today, must be AF hormones or me just missing Poncho. I actually feel VERY guilty to be trying to get pregnant right now, com’on I mean look at it in this point to view; it hasn’t been a year since Poncho passed away. But I also look at it this way we have been trying for over 4yrs and one day when Poncho and I were talking about me and Manny having a family he looked at me and told me that if I evr had a son to name him Christian Arturo. And now more than every we are trying to give him a nephew that will carry his last name. I know that having a son will not replace the hurt that I have in my heart from the loss of Poncho, but I do know that more than ever I want to have that son and give him the more beautiful name he could ever have. Manny and I have talked about if I EVER got pregnant with twin boys that we could name one Christian Guadalupe Sanchez and one Arturo Guadalupe Sanchez. If we get pregnant with a single boy we cant Christianarturo Guadalupe Sanchez. We added the middle name as Guadalupe because he always told me that La Virgen de Guadalupe was his Reina and when he passed away I bought him a statue of La Reina and a Rosary. Well that is all for now I am so emotional right now that I need to just relax with Manny and pray to Poncho.

Date Saturday July 25, 2009 - CD1
Its freaking official, AF is here. I know I put in my last entry that I didn’t suspect me to be pregnant but in the back of my mind I was hoping that I would be. Well there is always this cycle and I am praying harder than ever that it will happen sooner than later. Today AF is a little on the medium side but I do have cramps and its more so in the center of my uterus than on one side. I have a headache as well but that is caused by stress I guess. UPDATE: Today was my Tia Gaby’s baby shower so I went. It was nice but be being on AF and starting a new cycle emotionally did NOT want to be there. Also, Marlena and I went to Dreams and had a great time. The drinks weren’t that great but it has been MONTHS since I have gone out and MONTHS since I have had a drink so it felt good to go out and just relax. Next week (Friday I think) we are going to go to Heat (a nightclub) to dance and have a few drinks. I am going to relax and have a good time and not let anything get to me or in my way. By then I will be CD7, so I am planning to take it a little easy and not drink too much. Because hopefully by then I will have my plan down in writing and be able to pin point what I need to be doing to better my chances in pregnancy.

So here are my plans for this cycle (remember that it is NOT set in stone yet, I am still working on a day by day plan that I will have by the end of the day Monday hopefully!):

-Continue to take my Folic Acid in the morning
-Continue to take my Iron Pills in the morning as well
-Take ProCreation (2pills) in the morning as well [Manny will be doing the same]
-Drink LOTS & LOTS of water
-Meditated frequently! [especially during the 2ww]
-TRY my hardest to be stress free
-Baby Dance regularly
-OPK’s starting on CD10
-BBT (temps) [and stick with it!]
-Check Cervical Mucus
-Check the position of my Cervix

So far this is what I have but remember I will hopefully have it all figured out by Monday and stick with my plan. I am going to work harder than ever to make this my routine until I do in fact get pregnant.

Date Sunday July 26, 2009 - CD2
I hate being on AF! I am going to work extremely hard this cycle to achieve that BFP! It is my promise to myself and to Manny. It has been an extremely hard, long, frustrating, and an emotional roller coaster to TTC. I believe the harder that we work at it and more that we prove to God that we want this, he will eventually send us our miracle sooner than later. Okay going back on the subject, I am having cramps in the left side closer to my ovary than yesterday. It kind of feels like someone is punching my left ovary and from time to time it feels like my ovary is just floating in my body, not attached to anything to hold it down. It fells like it is turning like the world does around and around not stopping for a minute. I am also getting very moody from time to time today for no reason at all. UGH! Well that is all for today, tomorrow I have a lot that I want to get done and have a detailed plan for this cycle.

~*~*~*~This is what I have so far in my journal that I keep on my laptop. I will be keeping a better journal from now on...I just had huge gaps that I wasn't using my laptop.~*~*~*~

Sunday, June 21, 2009


As of today I am 11dpo, I have continuously been keeping up with my BBT's. I have got to admit they look like a disaster roller coaster ride! I had a slight dip today and I have been reading that once implantation is taking place there might be a rise or dip in temps. I am praying harder than ever that this is true! I would love nothing more in this world to get that BFP! This 2ww, at times seem too long and at other times going by too fast. I have been keeping myself very busy these last few days, so I can get my mind off of it. Only the Lord knows what is in store for us. I have been praying so hard during this 2ww for a BFP, and I DO believe in miracles so I am hoping ours is around the corner. Well, as of now I am going to keep this post fairly short. Any questions just ask. :)

Dios Mio, Padre Mio te piedo un milagro grande de mi vida!

Friday, May 15, 2009

CD 13 - 16 ~ 5/7/2009 - 5/10/2009

-On day 13 I had some sticky cervical mucus (discharge) late in the day. I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). I did not use my Fertility Monitor. BUT I did use my OPK and there was an extreme FAINT FAINT FAINT line!

-On day 14 I had a good amount of sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Did not use my Fertility Monitor, but I did use my OPK and the line was still FAINT (as the day before.)

-On day 15 I had a significant amount of sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Did not use my Fertility Monitor, but I did use my OPK and the line was still FAINT (as CD13 & CD14). WE BABY DANCED!!!

-On day 16 I had a GREAT amount of sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Did not use my Fertility Monitor, but I did use my OPK and the line was still FAINT (as CD13, CD14, & CD 15). WE BABY DANCED!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

CD 9-12 ~ 5/3/2009 - 5/6/2009

-On day 9 I had some sticky cervical mucus (discharge) late in the day.  I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing and the result was 1-bar, which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.

-On day 10 I had again some sticky cervical mucus (discharge).  I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot monitor at home (stayed at brother in laws house).  So excited today my package came in the mail from came in!  Yay! So I tested @ 8:10PM and the result was a very, very, very faint I hope that means in the next week or so that I will get my surge and be ovulating! Photobucket

-On day 11 Again today as for my cervical mucus (slight and sticky) (discharge).  I took SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing and the result was 1-bar, which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.  I tested twice on my OPK's that I got off of and the results were the same as yesterday.  Keeping fringers crossed for that surge!  I got a sobada done today and it was painful!  But all well worth it in the long run!  I have to drink Yerbaniz San Nicolas (twice a day one before breakfast and one before dinner)  and take Red Raspberry Herbal Suplement (500mg) (three times a day before each meal) starting tomorrow.


-On day 12 Okay todays cervical mucus was low but same consistency as yesterday (sticky). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), Folic Acid (400mcg), Red Raspberry (1-500mg) [starting tomorrow I will be taking these three times a day.]  Also, today I had 1-cup of the Yerbaniz San Nicolas [same with this, starting tomorrow I will be drinking 2-cups before breakfast and dinner].  I remembered to test today (as my monitor requested), and the results was 1-bar which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.  And as far as my OPK's from; the results are the same as CD 10 & CD 11.  I am praying that I get a surge very soon!  Keep me in your prayers!

The count down is on for ovulation and testing day which I set my testing day for CD 30 of this cylce.  Keeping our fingers crossed for that BFP!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

CD 5-8 ~ 4/29/2009 - 5/2/2009

-On day 5 A.F. is finally over as of today, no discharge or spotting.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor still does not require any testing.

-On day 6 Semi-discharge, but just in the early morning.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot to do so.

-On day 7 No discharge today.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot to do so.

-On day 8 No disscharge today. I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  FINALLY! I remembered to test today (as my monitor requested), and the results was 1-bar which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.

The count down is on for ovulation and testing day which I set my testing day for CD 30 of this cylce.  Keeping our fingers crossed for that BFP!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CD 1-4 ~ 4/25/2009 - 4/28/2009

This is a recap of my cycle so far:

-On day 1 I had heavy bleeding and slight cramps, on a pain scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) I would say the cramps were a 4-5.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).

-On day 2 I still experienced heavy bleeding but my cramps were slightly stronger, on the scale I would give it a 7.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).

-On day 3 I experienced medium bleeding this time my cramps on the scale was a 4.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).

-On day 4 I had light bleeding and no longer experienced any cramps. I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).

The count down is on for ovulation and testing day which I set my testing day for CD 30 of this cylce.  Keeping our fingers crossed for that BFP!

About Me

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I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (
