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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

CD 1 - 3 ~ 8/29/2009 - 8/31/2009

Date Saturday August 29, 2009 - CD1
11:35AM- Today I am 3 ½ days late for AF. I am extremely excited because this could mean that I am pregnant! YAY! After 4yrs of trying for a baby this could be it. But at the same time I am trying not to get my hopes up, only time will tell what will happen.
2:23PM- Took an Early Pregnancy Test and Walgreens Early Response Test and both of which were negative. I still have a little bit of hope, because my pregnancy test for my first pregnancy test came up negative until AF was 2-3 weeks late. On another note I am having dull cramps which gets me thinking it could be implantation or something like that…who knows.
4:30PM- And let the disappointments begin! AF just started….WTHell! I honestly thought ‘this is it’ I am FINALLY going to be pregnant. Well…rain on my parade! Those cramps resulted in AF and I am NOT happy. Words cannot describe what I am feeling nor what disappointments my body has given me yet again. I am so ready to give up! I don’t know how much more of this I can take. But for now I guess you can say that I will continue to TTC. I am praying with all of my heart that this time will be it. I don’t know how much more I can take of this and I am starting to think that I am not meant to have any children on this earth. Only time will tell what the future will hold for us. And we just pray that it will be in our favor. On a quick note: AF is a little light and every once in a while has a mucus consistency to it.

Date Sunday August 30, 2009 - CD2
1:16PM- Last night was not a good night. I was up numerous times through the night with cramps. It was so hard to get comfortable and able to sleep. When the alarm went off this morning for Manny I woke up, still sleepy of course, but managed to give him a kiss and sign of the cross for him. A little after he left I was in and out of sleep. Then finally out of bed around 11:30am. I am still having cramps around the left side of my uterus, and I am very uncomfortable. I am not going to take anything for the pain, it is better for me to just wait for the pain to end by itself. I am praying that this cycle is 30 days and not 35 days like last cycle. I took 2-ProCreation pills so far today, I am going to take the rest of my pills later today and log them.

Date Monday August 1, 2009 - CD3
9:39AM- Today was the same as last night…ugh. I don’t know why the cramps would bother me while I am sleeping, and usually I only get cramps the first two days and only in the day time. My body is doing weird this this time around, I guess I am just going to have to pay more attention to my body this cycle (if that could ever happen…lol). 10:48PM- When is this TTC going to end? Come on now…4yrs…what did I do to deserve this??? Well anyways just wanted to log in that today felt like a lazy day, I didn’t have the ‘strength’ to do anything. On the plus side my apartment was clean so I could just relax today. Oh, and I can’t for get to mention that I had cramps through out the day…I am tired of AF!!!! I guess I will just leave it at that…One last thing AF if you are listening, ’I HATE YOU!’ …okay goodbye now.


About Me

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I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (
