-On day 9 I had some sticky cervical mucus (discharge) late in the day. I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Fertility monitor required testing and the result was 1-bar, which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.
-On day 10 I had again some sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot monitor at home (stayed at brother in laws house). So excited today my package came in the mail from Early-Pregnancy-Test.com came in! Yay! So I tested @ 8:10PM and the result was a very, very, very faint line...so I hope that means in the next week or so that I will get my surge and be ovulating! 

-On day 11 Again today as for my cervical mucus (slight and sticky) (discharge). I took SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Fertility monitor required testing and the result was 1-bar, which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving. I tested twice on my OPK's that I got off of Early-Pregnancy-Test.com and the results were the same as yesterday. Keeping fringers crossed for that surge! I got a sobada done today and it was painful! But all well worth it in the long run! I have to drink Yerbaniz San Nicolas (twice a day one before breakfast and one before dinner) and take Red Raspberry Herbal Suplement (500mg) (three times a day before each meal) starting tomorrow.
-On day 12 Okay todays cervical mucus was low but same consistency as yesterday (sticky). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), Folic Acid (400mcg), Red Raspberry (1-500mg) [starting tomorrow I will be taking these three times a day.] Also, today I had 1-cup of the Yerbaniz San Nicolas [same with this, starting tomorrow I will be drinking 2-cups before breakfast and dinner]. I remembered to test today (as my monitor requested), and the results was 1-bar which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving. And as far as my OPK's from Eary-Pregnancy-Test.com; the results are the same as CD 10 & CD 11. I am praying that I get a surge very soon! Keep me in your prayers!
The count down is on for ovulation and testing day which I set my testing day for CD 30 of this cylce. Keeping our fingers crossed for that BFP!
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