CD28 - 12DPO
I know it has been a while since I have last posted an update. I have been so busy trying to keep my mind off of TTC and stressing about not getting pregnant. I have been spending a lot of time with my family…weird huh??? I has been a while since I have done that and I am going as far as to going to go visit my other grandma (Grandma Galindo-my daddy’s mom) tomorrow, but we will see how that goes…
Okay back to my update I am going to recap my cycle so far:
-CD4 - I received my prize from Mandashow20, I won a drawing for some OPK’s that she had left over. THANK YOU AMANDA!!!!
-CD8 - I started doing OPK’s, and there actually was a result line…very faint though. Weird because the line doesn’t show up until CD15.
-CD14-CD21 - I had a cold and my temps on 2 days were slightly higher because of it. I took some over the counter cold medicine.
-CD16 - I ovulated, now this is weird because since I have been tracking my cycles I would ovulate on CD17. We will see what is to come.
-5DPO - I had slight cramping on my left side, so I pretty much relaxed all day long. I didn’t leave my bed most of the day.
-6DPO - I had slight spotting, it only happened once that day somewhere between 10A-12P. No spotting since.
& the exciting part…
I received the products that I am going to be doing reviews on from Fairhaven health! It was like Christmas all over again!!! I will be doing reviews on Bend, Breathe, and Conceive Fertility Yoga DVD also FertilAid for Woman and my husband will do a review on FertilAid for Men. We are ecstatic that we were given the opportunity to try these products out and better our chances to conceive. THANK YOU MISS AMY!!!
Okay so far this is a recap of my cycle. Feel free to ask any questions! About either the products, my cycle, my TTC journey, or anything random. Also, watch my most recent vlog on YouTube:
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