As of today I am 3dpo and I have tried on numerous occasions to upload a vlog...all errors after taking 1hr+ to upload. It gets frustrating, but I am determined to get one posted. I have MANY things that I have planned for many videos but not one video would upload. What I am going to try instead is get ALL my videos recorded by Wednesday next week and go to Panera Bread or Starbucks and get them all uploaded...FINGERS CROSSED that it works.
Anyways, back to my cycle. So far so good...not too event full. Although today I almost fell and instead I did a half slit. It scared the crap put of me and ever since my left side of my pubic area feels sore...I may have just strained it or pulled a muscle. I HOPE that it doesn't ruin our chances this month. Also, this cycle (just like the past cycles) I ovulated on CD17! YAY! Two days prior, the day of and 1 day past I had egg white cervical mucus. So that is a plus. We are using PreSeed with this cycle which brings me to my next point: I am going to do a review and Q&A on PreSeed so if you have anything you want me to go over...please feel free to ask.
As of today I am still waiting for the products from to start my product the mean time check them out and if you see anything you like use coupon code: Autumnblog to get 10% off (Exp 11/1/2009).
As of now I am going to cut this a little short...bummer [insert sad face here]...we are getting ready to head to bed. My husband works all day tomorrow and needs his rest. Be on the look out for some vlogs in the mean time.
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