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Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today is 19 days past my d&c, yesterday I asked my midwife to order for a hormone check to make sure I am at zero so I can start charting again that way when I go to the Genetic Specialist I can have some temps charted for her. Which our appointment is on the 19th of this month (the waiting is killing me!), I am praying I get AF by then so there is no delay in any testing. Well back to my story, I decided to take a Dollar Store test and.....

Yes! You guessed it BFN! Now I know that I should be getting AF sometime soon. I pray w/i a week or two so I can be on the road to physical recovery! And hopefully God willing down the line be able to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. I am putting all my Faith in God that he will give us all the resources we need to finally get that.

Right now I can have a sigh of relief that at least my hormones or back down and take the next step.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


ttc4way2long Ashling328 said...

Good luck,
I hope Af arrives on time so you can get back to normal in physical terms.
I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Hoping the Genetic specialist is the help you need for a healthy pregnancy.

About Me

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I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (
