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Friday, April 30, 2010


As I lay here in bed I try to keep my head up and believe we still have a chance. I went to the bathroom a few minutes ago and the brown spotting like discharge showed up. This time with a little mucus. all these thoughts run through my head and all I can think about, our anniversary and hubby's birthday is ruined. AF hasn't started and according to my positive OPK I should be around 8dpo (right now I am starting to get dull cramps not necessarily AF-like). As for now I will but my trust in God and have Faith that our miracle is soon to come.


2010 IS OUR YEAR!!!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Anonymous said...

I really hope the spotting means nothing! I somehow got pregnant despite fairly heavy midcycle bleeding. Best wishes!

About Me

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I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (
