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Friday, May 15, 2009

CD 13 - 16 ~ 5/7/2009 - 5/10/2009

-On day 13 I had some sticky cervical mucus (discharge) late in the day. I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). I did not use my Fertility Monitor. BUT I did use my OPK and there was an extreme FAINT FAINT FAINT line!

-On day 14 I had a good amount of sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Did not use my Fertility Monitor, but I did use my OPK and the line was still FAINT (as the day before.)

-On day 15 I had a significant amount of sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Did not use my Fertility Monitor, but I did use my OPK and the line was still FAINT (as CD13 & CD14). WE BABY DANCED!!!

-On day 16 I had a GREAT amount of sticky cervical mucus (discharge). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg). Did not use my Fertility Monitor, but I did use my OPK and the line was still FAINT (as CD13, CD14, & CD 15). WE BABY DANCED!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

CD 9-12 ~ 5/3/2009 - 5/6/2009

-On day 9 I had some sticky cervical mucus (discharge) late in the day.  I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing and the result was 1-bar, which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.

-On day 10 I had again some sticky cervical mucus (discharge).  I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot monitor at home (stayed at brother in laws house).  So excited today my package came in the mail from came in!  Yay! So I tested @ 8:10PM and the result was a very, very, very faint I hope that means in the next week or so that I will get my surge and be ovulating! Photobucket

-On day 11 Again today as for my cervical mucus (slight and sticky) (discharge).  I took SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing and the result was 1-bar, which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.  I tested twice on my OPK's that I got off of and the results were the same as yesterday.  Keeping fringers crossed for that surge!  I got a sobada done today and it was painful!  But all well worth it in the long run!  I have to drink Yerbaniz San Nicolas (twice a day one before breakfast and one before dinner)  and take Red Raspberry Herbal Suplement (500mg) (three times a day before each meal) starting tomorrow.


-On day 12 Okay todays cervical mucus was low but same consistency as yesterday (sticky). I took my SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), Folic Acid (400mcg), Red Raspberry (1-500mg) [starting tomorrow I will be taking these three times a day.]  Also, today I had 1-cup of the Yerbaniz San Nicolas [same with this, starting tomorrow I will be drinking 2-cups before breakfast and dinner].  I remembered to test today (as my monitor requested), and the results was 1-bar which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.  And as far as my OPK's from; the results are the same as CD 10 & CD 11.  I am praying that I get a surge very soon!  Keep me in your prayers!

The count down is on for ovulation and testing day which I set my testing day for CD 30 of this cylce.  Keeping our fingers crossed for that BFP!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

CD 5-8 ~ 4/29/2009 - 5/2/2009

-On day 5 A.F. is finally over as of today, no discharge or spotting.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor still does not require any testing.

-On day 6 Semi-discharge, but just in the early morning.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot to do so.

-On day 7 No discharge today.  I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  Fertility monitor required testing today, but I forgot to do so.

-On day 8 No disscharge today. I took my Clomifeno (2-50mg), SlowFe Iron pill (47.5mcg), and Folic Acid (400mcg).  FINALLY! I remembered to test today (as my monitor requested), and the results was 1-bar which means: LOW FERTILITY, Very small chance of conceiving.

The count down is on for ovulation and testing day which I set my testing day for CD 30 of this cylce.  Keeping our fingers crossed for that BFP!

About Me

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I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (
