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Friday, September 25, 2009

It's been a couple of days....

I believe the last time that I made a vlog update, I was either waiting to Ovulate or just beginning my 2ww. So far since the last time that I have updated there hasn't been much of a change? (well in my

Okay so lets start out by going over some symptoms that I am having so far during this 2ww:

-lack of hunger
-sleep deprivation
-WEIRD dreams
-mood swings
-increased sex drive (tmi)
-cravings (but indecisive for what I am craving)
-constipation (slowly going away)
-a little cramping (not alarming just uncomfortable)

I am trying not to get my hopes up, in fear that my body will let me down yet again. I know that with prayer and belief that some day (hopefully) soon I will get to announce a pregnancy. It is something we have been longing for...for 4yrs. With every negative test, failed pregnancy attempt, wasted cycle, and fertility let downs....I feel deep down inside that a piece of me is dying . It gets harder and harder to keep my head up and 'keep a smile' on my face. But everyday I try my best.

On September 21, 2005 I had my second 'unexplained' miscarriage, some say that with time the emptiness will heal. I don't agree in my case, time doesn't take away the me time just reminds me that I could of had a 3yr old and hopefully would of been pregnant with a second child. I just pray everyday that my chances of conceiving still exists.

Well, for now I will end this and do another update in the next few days.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just a quick update...

As of today I am 3dpo and I have tried on numerous occasions to upload a vlog...all errors after taking 1hr+ to upload. It gets frustrating, but I am determined to get one posted. I have MANY things that I have planned for many videos but not one video would upload. What I am going to try instead is get ALL my videos recorded by Wednesday next week and go to Panera Bread or Starbucks and get them all uploaded...FINGERS CROSSED that it works.

Anyways, back to my cycle. So far so good...not too event full. Although today I almost fell and instead I did a half slit. It scared the crap put of me and ever since my left side of my pubic area feels sore...I may have just strained it or pulled a muscle. I HOPE that it doesn't ruin our chances this month. Also, this cycle (just like the past cycles) I ovulated on CD17! YAY! Two days prior, the day of and 1 day past I had egg white cervical mucus. So that is a plus. We are using PreSeed with this cycle which brings me to my next point: I am going to do a review and Q&A on PreSeed so if you have anything you want me to go over...please feel free to ask.

As of today I am still waiting for the products from to start my product the mean time check them out and if you see anything you like use coupon code: Autumnblog to get 10% off (Exp 11/1/2009).

As of now I am going to cut this a little short...bummer [insert sad face here]...we are getting ready to head to bed. My husband works all day tomorrow and needs his rest. Be on the look out for some vlogs in the mean time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Excited for this opportunity!!!!

If you read the title and wondering what's going on here is your chance to find out! I was approached by a representative from to do some product reviews, I am extremely excited to be given this opportunity! FINALLY!!! I might get pregnant after 4yrs of TTC and two miscarriages. I am hoping that I will be able to get that BFP within 1-2 cycles. The products that I (or I should say we, my husband and I) will be doing reviews on are: FERTILAID FOR MEN AND WOMAN also BEND, BREATHE, & CONCEIVE - FERTILITY YOGA. So be on the look out for those reviews, I will also be vlogging about it on my Youtube Channel so feel free to subscribe. {At the end of this post you will find the links to my YT Channel, Twitter, and Facebook accounts...add me as a friend and you will get all the scoop!}

I am going to be doing many different things with my blog and be on the look out for that. I have been thinking off different ways to get my viewers/followers more interactive and more educated about their Fertility and ways to maximize their chances to get pregnant.

Okay, I know this post is all over the place but I have TONS to go over. First, I wanted to ask anyone out there if they have any questions that they wanted to ask me and I will be making a video to answer them all. I am in the process right now of getting my second Q&A video recorded and posted. So feel free to watch them and if you have any questions at all that come to mind either post a comment on my video, post a comment here, go to my facebook and post it on my wall, where ever you feel more comfortable to send me you questions please do so. Second, I will be doing a review on a book that I read and some vitamins that I am taking. Of there is any book that you would like me to review just let me know in a message and I will do my best to get it done ASAP. I am always looking for new books and products to do reviews on. Third, I have done this in the past on my YT channel and will start doing it again...I will be giving TIPS that I find in books, magazines, and articles.

Before I end this post, I wanted to let all of you in a GREAT deal from Go to the website...and take a look around they offer items for TTC and Breastfeeding. If you find anything you want use this coupon code: Autumnblog get 10% off of your order! How GREAT is that?!?! Well, I am going on the lookout for my latest vlog on YT (I will be posting soon.)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

CD 1 - 3 ~ 8/29/2009 - 8/31/2009

Date Saturday August 29, 2009 - CD1
11:35AM- Today I am 3 ½ days late for AF. I am extremely excited because this could mean that I am pregnant! YAY! After 4yrs of trying for a baby this could be it. But at the same time I am trying not to get my hopes up, only time will tell what will happen.
2:23PM- Took an Early Pregnancy Test and Walgreens Early Response Test and both of which were negative. I still have a little bit of hope, because my pregnancy test for my first pregnancy test came up negative until AF was 2-3 weeks late. On another note I am having dull cramps which gets me thinking it could be implantation or something like that…who knows.
4:30PM- And let the disappointments begin! AF just started….WTHell! I honestly thought ‘this is it’ I am FINALLY going to be pregnant. Well…rain on my parade! Those cramps resulted in AF and I am NOT happy. Words cannot describe what I am feeling nor what disappointments my body has given me yet again. I am so ready to give up! I don’t know how much more of this I can take. But for now I guess you can say that I will continue to TTC. I am praying with all of my heart that this time will be it. I don’t know how much more I can take of this and I am starting to think that I am not meant to have any children on this earth. Only time will tell what the future will hold for us. And we just pray that it will be in our favor. On a quick note: AF is a little light and every once in a while has a mucus consistency to it.

Date Sunday August 30, 2009 - CD2
1:16PM- Last night was not a good night. I was up numerous times through the night with cramps. It was so hard to get comfortable and able to sleep. When the alarm went off this morning for Manny I woke up, still sleepy of course, but managed to give him a kiss and sign of the cross for him. A little after he left I was in and out of sleep. Then finally out of bed around 11:30am. I am still having cramps around the left side of my uterus, and I am very uncomfortable. I am not going to take anything for the pain, it is better for me to just wait for the pain to end by itself. I am praying that this cycle is 30 days and not 35 days like last cycle. I took 2-ProCreation pills so far today, I am going to take the rest of my pills later today and log them.

Date Monday August 1, 2009 - CD3
9:39AM- Today was the same as last night…ugh. I don’t know why the cramps would bother me while I am sleeping, and usually I only get cramps the first two days and only in the day time. My body is doing weird this this time around, I guess I am just going to have to pay more attention to my body this cycle (if that could ever happen…lol). 10:48PM- When is this TTC going to end? Come on now…4yrs…what did I do to deserve this??? Well anyways just wanted to log in that today felt like a lazy day, I didn’t have the ‘strength’ to do anything. On the plus side my apartment was clean so I could just relax today. Oh, and I can’t for get to mention that I had cramps through out the day…I am tired of AF!!!! I guess I will just leave it at that…One last thing AF if you are listening, ’I HATE YOU!’ …okay goodbye now.

About Me

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I am a mommy to a miracle baby. We went through three miscarriages and eight years of trying to conceive, before our daughter was born. We have had our faith tested many times, but it made our love for each other grow stronger. Follow us on our journey as new parents, and hopefully one day our journey to extending our family. Look for us on YouTube: (
